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Board of Directors


Chair: Rich Wells (ChE 82)

Vice Chair:
Toni Richardson (IS 95)*

Treasurer: Tim Ogdie (ChE 80)*

Todd Williams (GeolE 83)


Jeremy Adams (ME 16)*

Jeff Allen (ChE 77)*

Carlos Beatty Jr. (IE 13)

Mark Benson (MetE 82)*

Karla Callahan (Chem 76)

Jerry Farke (ME 14)

John Henderson (CE 94)*

Greg Hintgen (EE 99)

Bill Jones (IE 96)

Shashi Kanth (MinE 93)

Dr. Mike Koch (MinE 80)

Renita Mollman (CE 88)

Bob Morcom (CE 74)

Marlene Nelson (ME 74)*

Jerilyn Roberts (ChE 99)

Duke Tallam (EE 84)

Lisa Zacher (Chem 85)

Larry Schmaltz (CE 79)*

*Members of Executive Committee


Marc D. Vaillancourt

Lance Roberts (CE 98)
Interim South Dakota Mines President

Honorary Alumni President

Sharon Chontos (ChemE 87)


Mines Advancement Fund

Together, our donations create a brighter future for Hardrockers.

Gifts to the Mines Advancement Fund allow us to increase the number of scholarships, add new equipment and technology to labs, expand and renovate our facilities, and more. Your support makes a difference to Hardrocker students now and in the future.

Consider designating your gift to the Mines Advancement Fund to maximize your impact at South Dakota Mines.