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2024 Rocker Days: September 16-21

Come back to campus and celebrate your Hardrocker pride during Rocker Days! 

Schedule of Events

Wednesday, Sept. 18
4 - 6 p.m. - 
Hardrocker Huddle at Campus Quad

Thursday, Sept. 19
7:30 p.m. - Coronation, Bonfire (Burning of the M), and Pep Rally

Friday, Sept. 20 
10 a.m. -  Hardrocker Golf Classic at Arrowhead Golf Course - Register here
12 p.m. - M Day Picnic at Founder's Park - Register below ($10/person) (faculty and staff do not need to register)
2 p.m. - M Hill Whitewashing 
4 p.m. - Alumni Band Rehearsal (Music Building) - Open to ALL alumni - Register below
6 p.m. - Hardrocker Heritage Awards Gala in the Surbeck Center Ballroom - All alumni are welcome to this semi-formal event with a plated meal. Register here Click here to see the list of awardees.

Saturday, September 21  

10 a.m. - Parade downtown. Want to join in the parade fun? Register to be part of the parade here
10 a.m. - Livestream
the 2024 South Dakota Mines Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony (Hardrocker Athletics)   
12 p.m. - Alumni Tailgate (C Ramp under the alumni tent) - Register below
1 p.m. - 
Football vs. New Mexico Highlands - O'Harra Stadium - Buy tickets

  1. Step 1 Selection
  2. Step 2 Registration
Friday September 20
3:30 PM
All alumni are welcome to join us for a band rehearsal during Rocker Days at the Music Building.
Saturday September 21
12:00 PM
Join alumni for tailgating at 12 p.m., followed by the Homecoming football game vs. New Mexico Highlands at 1 p.m. We will be on the C ramp under the alumni tent!
Friday September 20
12:00 PM
Join us for a picnic with fellow alumni at Founder's Park. Cost is $10/person.
Event registration summary
2024 Rocker Days - Alumni Band Rehearsal:
2024 Rocker Days - Alumni Tailgate:
2024 Rocker Days - M Day Picnic:

Pictured: Cliff (CE 79) and Debra (EE 78) Bienert and Susan "Booty" Kuhns (GeolE 75).

Greg Hintgen (EE 99), Karen Swindler (ChE 88), Tyler Artz (MinE 15) and Pepper on top of M-Hill (2017)

Mines Advancement Fund

Together, our donations create a brighter future for Hardrockers.

Gifts to the Mines Advancement Fund allow us to increase the number of scholarships, add new equipment and technology to labs, expand and renovate our facilities, and more. Your support makes a difference to Hardrocker students now and in the future.

Consider designating your gift to the Mines Advancement Fund to maximize your impact at South Dakota Mines.