CARA Forms for Students, Faculty & Staff
Reimbursement Process
Requests for payment from CARA accounts must be submitted using the CARA check reimbursement form which should be emailed to Nicole.
The form must include:
• CARA account number
• Signature (approval) of person responsible for the account and printed name
• To whom the check should be written
• Total amount being requested
• Name of department or individual who will be picking up the check
• Original receipts--For scanning purposes, all papers that are submitted must be 8 ½ x 11. Receipts smaller than this size must be securely taped to 8 ½ x 11 sheets of paper. Please only use one side of the paper.
Checks are cut weekly. Provided that the correct check request form is complete and all necessary documentation is submitted, requests received by noon Monday will be ready for pickup at the CARA office after noon on Wednesday of the same week. Monday holidays may delay the check process. No individual notification will be sent for check pickup.
Purchase Order Process
IMPORTANT: When using CARA funds, purchase orders are only needed if the vendor with which you are working will not allow you to purchase the item(s) and then invoice South Dakota Mines CARA for payment.
If you do need a Purchase Order:
• Use the Electronic Purchase Order Request Form
• Fill out only the areas highlighted in yellow
• If you have scanning capabilities, scan the responsible person’s signature for the CARA account and insert it at the bottom of the request form.
• If you do not have scanning capabilities, include the responsible person’s approval in your e-mail request.
• E-mail the form to She will prepare the purchase order and email it back to the person requesting it.
Please allow 24 hours (one business day) for processing purchase orders. CARA does not order the merchandise.
Once you receive the purchased item(s), submit the invoice with a check request following the process described above.
Travel Expenses
Our travel expense report form should be used when traveling. Please make sure this form is completed thoroughly and that detailed receipts are provided. In addition to the person providing the approval for the reimbursement, the person to be reimbursed must sign the form. Be sure to include the account number to be charged for the expense.