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Alumni Directory

Welcome to the South Dakota Mines CARA website, where you can update your profile, connect with friends, volunteer and take advantage of university events and opportunities. Logging in using the form below will make it easier and faster to register for events and access services.

The minimum password length is 12 characters and cannot include the registrant's name(s), user ID, user name, or organization name. Your password cannot match any of the last six passwords (previously, they could not match the previous four passwords). Passwords must include at least one each: uppercase letter, lowercase letter, number and special character ( # / $ / % /& / @, etc. No period).

The Alumni Directory requires users to login before viewing. Please login to use the directory.

Mines Advancement Fund

Together, our donations create a brighter future for Hardrockers.

Gifts to the Mines Advancement Fund allow us to increase the number of scholarships, add new equipment and technology to labs, expand and renovate our facilities, and more. Your support makes a difference to Hardrocker students now and in the future.

Consider designating your gift to the Mines Advancement Fund to maximize your impact at South Dakota Mines.