Endowments form a long-term foundation for student, faculty, and institutional growth and development.
Current gifts and those made through numerous planned giving vehicles are the nucleus of the endowment which then fulfills the donor's wishes in perpetuity.
Endowment principal is maintained and yearly allocations are used to fund the purpose you choose.
We offer an opportunity to build principal whereby you make contributions; we add earnings, and the combination will add up to the desired principal goal.
You can designate your gift to benefit one or more areas of your choosing, or make an unrestricted gift, meaning funds will be used where the need is greatest at South Dakota Mines. Your final choice depends upon your personal priorities, financial status and charitable goals.
Gifts of endowments, more than any other form of support, enable wise and flexible use of resources to meet ongoing needs while providing for new initiatives.
Endowed Chairs ($1,500,000 and above)
A chair is the most prestigious named faculty position. It is used to attract and retain a truly outstanding scholar and educator – preferably one with a national reputation. Contributions to establish an endowed chair may create a new faculty position. Income from the endowment is intended to sustain the position and may cover costs of salary, travel, and support.
Distinguished Professorship ($500,000)
A distinguished professorship is used to support a very productive faculty member who has a proven track record of scholarship. The endowment will generally be used to honor an existing faculty member.
Professorship ($200,000)
A professorship is used to support a gifted faculty member who shows outstanding teaching, research, and service. The endowment is generally used to supplement an existing position.
Early Career Fellowship ($100,000)
An early career fellowship is used to attract a new faculty member who shows great promise to an existing faculty position. Funds may be used to supplement salary or as start-up funding for the faculty member’s research and teaching program.
Faculty/Staff Enrichment Fund ($50,000)
Endowment support awards or stipends to faculty/staff to assist in financing such endeavors as research start-up, course development, conference attendance, or equipment/materials purchase. Awardees are selected by deans, directors, or department head.
Graduate Fellowship and Award ($50,000)
Endowments support graduate and post-graduate students through awards for tuition, fees, room and board, etc.
Scholarship (minimum $30,000)
Endowed scholarships assure the availability of financial support for deserving, qualified students. Scholarships are used to recruit and retain the best and brightest Mines students.